Monday, November 7, 2011

Final Essay

Hello All,

For this post, describe the following areas as they relate to your final essay.  You may change your minds at any time; this is just to let me know we are all on topic.

1.  What department/program/club/event are you using as your focus?  Who is your audience?  The more specific you can make your audience, the more effective your essay will be.
2.  On what advertising form/medium will your essay focus?  A poster?  A website?  A flier?  A commercial?
3.  What are the strengths/weaknesses of the current advertisement?
4.  Which symbols/archetypes are you proposing the department/program emphasize?


  1. 1. I will focus on the liberal studies department. My audience are people majoring in liberal studies and fellow CSUB liberal studies majors.
    2. Website-
    3. The strengths are that there is lots of information and an outline of what the site has to offer. The weakness was that there was no eye catching homepage. There were no pictures or graphics, makig it boring, and I never realized there was a liberal studies site and others may not know about it either.
    4. The symbols/archetypes that I will use are the sage, which will provde knowledge to fellow liberal studies majors, the explorer, which will help students explore what needs to be done in order to be a K-6 grade teacher, and last the road to the center of education.

    ~Kayla Risenhoover

  2. 1. Children's Center-audience-parents
    2. I will focus on the poster.
    3. Strengths-colorful, neat, organized, informational
    4. Weakness-needs information on what the kids will do, types of tasks/activities so the parents know what they are getting their kids into
    5. Symbols/Archtypes The Tree(Kids are growing-root; kids learn and grow-bloom like the tree), kids are creators because they are young and have great imaginations(also the kids have open arms holding hands in the poster, show they are open-minded); caregiver-will care for kids and protect them in a safe environment; the caregivers are Heros because they are courageous for working with young kids.

    Francisca Torivio

  3. 1. I will be doing an advertisement for the Dance Marathon Club, a club on campus established to raise money for the Children's Miracle Network at Bakersfield Memorial Hospital. The audience will initially be the club's executive committee, but the ad will be attempting to appeal to the overall student community.
    2. The advertisement will be presented on a poster.
    3. Since the club is fairly new, they are lacking an advertisement for their event; this will be a proposal to fill that void.
    4. I will employ the symbols and archetypes of the innocent, caregiver, jester, and hero to facilitate participation through invoking the feelings and emotions of empathy and compassion towards helping ailing children.

  4. 1. Mini-Corps program. My audience will be liberal studies students, future liberal studies students, and general educators K-12.
    2.presentation on a poster
    3.Strengths- organized, some-what informational,
    and neat. Weaknesses- needs color,slightly more information,and logo could improve
    4. The symbols and archetypes that I will use are sage, explorer, caregiver, the center, and road to the center.

  5. 1. My focus is on CSUB Men’s Basketball team- My audience is students and faculty of CSUB/ fans of basketball in Bakersfield/ + friends. Mainly towards fans of basketball of Bakersfield.
    2. My advertising form will focus on a commercial of the team with the movie Indiana Jones being a success towards CSUB Men’s season.
    3. The strengths and the weaknesses. First the strengths are the new Gold Standard, the new and improved players and coaches, contact info easy to get a hold of. New roadrunner symbol/ more attitudes in roadrunner more character, more games are played on campus for CSUB students and or alumni who like to be on campus. Weakness – 8 – 9 wins last season. Attendance not so good last season. Change/ style must happen.
    4. Symbols and Archetypes :
    Explorer – the coach – the gold standard..
    Sage- coach the savior
    Hero- the players- student athletes of men’s bball

  6. 1. I will be focusing on the Writing Resource Center; my audience is the Title V English Liaison, Kim Flachmann.

    2. At this current moment, I think my paper and proposal will focus on the website which is currently somewhat bland.

    3. The website has pretty good headers that send you to the different pages. However, the website is also very generic and could use a more appealing color approach and more symbols and pictures. It could definitely be improved from what it is like at this current moment.

    4. The archetypes I will use will be the regular guy/gal, and the caregiver.

  7. 1. I will be writing about the center for community engagement and career education. My paper will be written with the director as the audience, and will focus on how they can reach out to the students on campus.
    2. The advertising form I will be focusing on is the website
    3. The strengths of the website is the quality of information given. The weakness is the intial layout of the website, the coloring, and the information given when you first log on to the website.
    4. The archetypes I will use is the explorer, the sage, and the caregiver.

    Ashley Coyle

  8. 1. The focus of my essay will be the Criminal Justice Club.The audience will be the current club members and students who are interested in joining the club.
    2. My advertising form that my essay will focus on either the club poster or the club website.
    3. Strengths - professionalism
    Weaknesses - outdated/lacking information, very bland(not alluring)
    4. Archetypes: Hero, Sage, Average guy/gal
    Symbols: Lady Justice, sword, ....

  9. 1. I will be using the Spanish department and my audience will be the department chair, Anthony Nuno.
    2. My advertising proposal will focus on the website.
    3. Strengths: easy to find information, clear, well-structured, attractive pictures, small text, and relevant information.
    Weaknesses: out of date, not too inviting, small text, monochromatic, and small color
    4. The department should emphasize the symbols/archetypes of the explorer, sage, and the creator.

  10. I am focus in the Hermes Club. My audience is the California State University Bakersfield, but more specific in the Spanish major students. I focus in posters of the club in the DDH and Student Union. The advertisements are good, because it have colors, information and provide everything to know the members and teachers, but they need a little more focus in Spanish Literature that is the main activity of the club. The club uses the name of Hermes; he is a messenger of Greeks Goods, so the club needs to be a messenger of the Spanish literature, traditions and language. These need to be represent by archetypes and symbols.
    Mayra Sosa

  11. 1.The Children Center
    2.The website
    3.Strengths of the website are the tabs, and information. Weakness is the look of the website: no color, only had two pictures, and not up to date.
    4.Needs to emphasize the caregiver and explorer.
    ~Michelle Regalado~

  12. 1. Black Studies. My focus will be students majoring in black studies also welcoming any other students.
    2. A poster
    3. There are no strengths. Weakness are lack on information protaining to this minor. It does not have it's own webpage.
    4. The symbols/archetypes I will use are magician, caregiver, explorer and maybe sage.

    Lakela Spencer

  13. 1. Children’s center-students who are parents, school staff, and other parents who work close-by.
    2. Flier and website.
    3. Simple with no pictures
    4. Caregiving and knowledge
    --Heriberto Osorio

  14. 1. The psychology club. My audience will be psychology students, and the department of psychology overall.
    3. One strength is the choice of colors, and tabs. Weaknesses are a lack of images, symbols, and more interesting information.
    4. I plan on using the sage, explorer, and caregiver as my symbols/archetypes.

  15. -The focus of my essay will be CSUB's Health Center. The audience will be those students who seek healthcare.

    -My advertising form that my essay will focus on is a website.

    -The strengths would be: very informational and professional.

    -The weaknesses would be: very boring and unappealing.

    -The archetypes that I will be using is that of the caregiver.

  16. 1. I'm going to use the Counseling Center as my focus and my audience are the students attending CSUB. Since they are the only people who can go to the counseling center.

    2. My essay will focus on a poster or flyer because students deserve to know that a counseling center exists and information of what type of services the counseling center provides to students. However, I do not know whether to do a flyer or poster.

    3. From what I have investigated, the counseling center does not have a poster that states what they do or where they are located and I believe that creating one will be best. The strengths I would like to incorporate are information, colors, professionalism, and attract students.
    4. Which symbols/archetypes are you proposing the department/program emphasize?

    4. I'm going to emphasize on the Hero because at the end the counseling center is trying to save the student, the sage because the counselors are the scholars/experts who give advice to students. Its a professional program that guarantees some type of rehabilitation. Caregiver is also one of those symbols and archetypes.

    -Sandy Torrealba

  17. - I will be using the children's center as the focus of my paper. The audience of the essay will be parents and children

    - the medium i will focus on is the website and the poster ad

    - although the website is very informative, it doesn't contain the same creativity and friendliness the poster reflects. On the website some of the kids look unhappy. Its strengths are that the website is very informative, and the poster is inviting enough to grab your attention

    - i will use the archetypes of a hero, caregiver and knowledge

  18. I will be focusing on the student- athletics club.
    My audience are the students of csub.
    I will advertise using a poster, flier, or a website.
    Sac has a website and its pretty informal, i just belive no one knows about it, its hidden. Also i feel there should be fliers or posters, to better inform students of athletic activities.
    I havent really thought of archetypes to use, but i can use the sage, hero and maybe magacian

  19. 1.Center for Community Engagement and Career Education. Audience will be CSUB students
    2. Website
    3. Weaknesses: Looks too plain, only one image of the building, needs more attention grabbing so that it can attract more students to get past the home page when viewing the web site. Strengths: informational, provides contact info, faculty members, and links for possible jobs and what to do before and after
    4. Explorer, Sage, Regular guy/gal

    Erica Hernandez

  20. The focus of my essay is going to be the financial aide department.My audience are CSUB students. More than likely, i will center my attention on a financial aide poster. The current weakness in the F.A. poster is that they are too dull, yet it does have all the information needed for recruitment.

  21. I'm going to focus on the Criminal Justice Club,I'm going to use a poster,the weaknesses were that it looked to plain, doesn't attrct students at all the way that it was done. I'm not sure which sybols Im going to focus on just yet.

  22. 1. I will be focusing the American Medical Student Association (AMSA) on CSUB. My audience will be the members, but more specifically the leaders of this club.
    2. I will focus on the poster in DDH.
    3. Some strengths that the poster has is the that it incorporates some archetypes, however this is plenty of room for entertainment.
    4. The Hero, sage, explorer,stethoscope, and the white coat.

  23. I am focusing on the sociology’s department webpage. My audience is people who are interested in sociology who want to gain information about this field, or are pursuing a minor or major in the field. I am advertising in the form of a poster. One strength of this web page is that it is easy to navigate through because of the tabs on the left margin. Another strength is that is has a slide show of influential sociologists. One weakness is that the colors of the webpage are monotone. It is also outdated. One of the pictures is from 2007 and new classes have only been updated to 2010. I am proposing the explorer, creator, and sage archetypes.

    -Monica Fraga

  24. 1. My focus will be MEchA a student club. The audience will be CSUB students.

    2. The essay will focus on a flyer. Through the flyer I wish to promote the services and resources that this program offers a student and the community.

    3. The strengths of the present advertisement are the pictures of the students that are included on the flyer. The flaw of the advertisment is that the flyer is not very informative.

    4. I will use the following archetypes and symbols to promote the club: explorer,sage, caregiver and knowledge.

    -Gricelda Gonzales
