Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Post for Friday

Hello All,

For this post,

1. name the specific CSUB program, department, activity, or professor you plan on critiquing;
2. describe the form of advertising you plan on critiquing and proposing (webpage, DDH poster, flier, e-mail, television advertisement).


  1. Megan Reimer

    I plan on critiquing the CSUB Nursing Program webpage.

  2. Melchor Ynostroza

    I plan on critquing the Counseling Center Webpage

  3. I plan on critiquing ITSS Webpage and posters

    Basil Qumsiyeh

  4. Brian Dolph

    I plan on critiquing the CSUB Judo Club Webpage... and maybe a flier design>.< We shall see!!!

  5. Gladis Gonzalez
    I plan on critiquing the Kappa Delta Nu DDH board.

  6. Danielle Williams:

    I plan on critiquing the Women's Network club poster and creating a DDH poster for the advertisement.

  7. I plan on critiquing the music department not sure if I should do the webpage or fliers.

    Mark Macanas

  8. I plan on critiquing the health department web page

    Diana camacho

  9. Lindsey Garibay

    I plan on critiquing the Tutoring - Oasis web page.

  10. Janae Burres

    I plan on critiquing the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships website and I will propse a flier for the department.

  11. Erma Morales
    I plan on critiqing the Chicano or Liberal studies homepage. I will advertise by sending out fliers.

  12. I plan on critiquing the CSUB Business Administration Department Website.

  13. Eva Marie Salas

    I plan on critiquing the CSUB Newspaper "The Runner" online page. I want to make a new homepage for the website.

  14. Trisha Morrissey

    I plan on critiquing the Teacher Education Department website. I will be making a flier to advertise.

  15. Jessica Delgadillo
    I plan on critiquing CSUB's Children's Center website. I will be making a flier to advertise.

  16. Maria De La Riva

    I, initially planned on critiquing the Children's Center, but because someone else is doing it...I will be doing the CSUB Theater Department website OR poster. I will be making a flier to advertise.

  17. Nathan Whiting

    I plan on critiquing the Interdisciplinary Minors web page. The bland, yet informative page is nothing more than a "Word" document consisting of multiple pages. Along with critiquing the page and its lack luster appearance I will submit suggestions for change.

  18. Jorge Solis

    I plan on critiquing the Office of Financial Aid website. A poster or flier would work to advertise this office.

  19. Nadee Ramirez

    I'am going to critique a poster from the ddh bulding or the math tutoring webpage.

  20. Maria
    liberal studies major
    writing strength: I always seem to know what to write. I have a ton of ideas all the time.
    weakness: run-on sentences

  21. kevin
    liberal studies
    i plan on critique my makor the liberal studies program

  22. Ashly Anfield
    I plan on critiquing the criminal justice department. I will be using a poster as advertisment.
